Welcome to the

KHIM Global Family

Our Global Family is not just another “Network” or an “Alliance “. KHIM IS A FAMILY! KHIM Global Family is an extension of Kingdom At Hand International Ministries. KHIM is apart of the global body of Christ. We believe that it was God’s purpose that we all be apart of a tremendous family. God wanted us to love him and honor him from that prospective.

We believe that God has a purpose for every individual ever made. We know that identity and purpose are born inside the construct of life and family. Those that come from good stable families have more of a chance to make an impact and contribution to our world. Everyone should have this opportunity. We believe this wholeheartedly, so that is why we open our arms and embrace those that feel lead to be apart of our family.

God has has given us a vision to….

● Love God 
● Restore Families 
● Disciple Leaders
● Impact Nations

​We love God by gathering together for biblical teaching, corporate spirit filled worship, and prayer. We also love God by sharing His love with others that may never come in contact with God but through us. We build families by resourcing the unmarried and the married with tools to have successful marriages. We disciple leaders by teaching, training, and leading them into Salvation and the deeper things of God. We grow their character, strengths, and identity. We impart leadership, restore their grace, and give them balance. We impact nations by empowering the leaders in that nation or by deploying our leaders into the nation. Our goal is to bring Kingdom At Hand to all the nations and plant churches, cell-groups, satellite churches, or training hubs in each nation for continued discipleship.

What KHIM Global Family does:

● Share Salvation to the world
● Provide Discipleship
● Give Apostolic Covering 
● Plant Churches (Multisite, Multicultural, Multigenerational churches)
● Restore Families 
● Restore Leaders (restoring balance, health, and ministry to leaders)
● “Advance the Kingdom to Nations and Generations “

For those that already lead congregations you may need…..

Our Apostolic Covering

● Counsel
● Protection
● Accountability 
● Visitation 
● Affirmation & Ordination


It is our goal this year to host our Love and Relationships Conference for the Unmarried and Married.  It is also our goal to do the Unbreakable Tour which will require us to visit all of our disciples, and leaders that have been in restoration and discipleship.  The tour will Affirm, Elevate, and seal our family’s purpose.

Ordained & Discipled
Churches Planted
Couples Restored

Our Team

Jermael Anthony

Senior Apostolic Leader, CEO

Carrie T.B. Anthony

Co- Apostle, Apostolic Trainer

Ashley Tapley

Prophetic Leader, Ambassador, Executive Director of Administration

Travara Watson

Executive Director of Marketing

Frederick Tapley

Pastoral Leader, Ambassador, Executive Financial Director

Nesli Y. Thilk

Administrative Pastor


This is your opportunity to:
Join us as a disciple.
Grow to become a leader.
Become apart of our leadership team.  
If you already lead a congregation:
You can come under our Apostolic Covering
Get Restoration, Accountability, Deliverance, Counsel & Affirmation/Ordination.
Become a KHIM church, satellite church, cell group, training hub or host our local gatherings. 
Enter your contact details and your message. We will respond as fast as we can. Let’s talk!